Net Worth Bond Program for Construction Surety Bonds
This bonding program is best suited for established contractors with successful track records who may have had difficulty bonding simply because they lacked CPA-prepared financials. By supporting single bond requests up to $2.5 million and aggregate requests up to $5 million, the Total Net Worth Program can fulfill the demands of
modern contractors whether they have occasional or recurring bonding needs. Our team has found that an applicant’s ability to accumulate significant personal net worth can be equally indicative of his or her
qualifications. With less documentation required upfront, save time by doing less paperwork while also being approved faster.
What type of contractor would fit best in this new program?
• Demolition
• Drywall
• Electrical
• Environmental
• Excavation
• Flooring
• General Construction
• Landscape
• Low Voltage
• Masonry
• Painting
• Solar
• Steel Erection
• Utility
How to qualify for the net worth bond program?
1. Request the streamlined Total Net Worth Questionnaire.
2. Provide a personal financial statement.
3. Provide two years of personal and business tax returns.
Request the net worth bond kit below and a surety specialist will be in touch to guide you through the process